

公告類型: 行政公告
點閱次數: 782
2019/7/1(星期一) ~7/31 (星期二)暑假期間因學籍暫停,文件申請自動化繳費系統暫停接受「中英文在學證明」申請服務,同學請自行影印學生證正反面影本,並攜帶學生證正本至註冊組櫃檯蓋註冊章(無須付費)。
The Certificate of Enrollment will be closed July 1st through July 31st, 2019 reopening 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 1st, 2019. We apologize for any inconvenience this may occur.
If you need the certificate of enrollment, please make a copy of your student card (both sides) and come to the Registration Office with the copy to get the registration stamp.
The copy of your student card with the registration stamp could be used as the certificate of enrollment too.
發布日期: 2019/06/17 至 2019/07/31