系別名稱 (Department)
| 110學年 | 111學年 | 112學年 | 113學年 |
企業管理所 In-service Master Program of Business Administration
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資訊管理所 In-service Master Program of Information Management
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資訊管理系大數據分析所 In-service Master Program of Big Data Analysis |  |  |  |  |
休閒事業管理所 In-service Master Program of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management |  |  |  |  |
行銷與流通管理所 In-service Master Program of Marketing and Logistics Management | | |  |  |
工業管理與資訊所 In-service Master Program of Industrial Management and Information | | |  |  |
高階主管企管所 Executive Master Business Administration(EMBA) | | |  |  |
財經法律所 In-service Master Program in Institute of Financial & Economic Law
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教育經營所 In-service Master Program in Educational Administration | | |  |  |