| 組別名稱 | 110學年 | 111學年 | 112學年 | 113學年 |
機械工程系碩士班 Master Program in Mechanical Engineering | - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
機械工程系機電科技組外國學生碩士班 Master Program in Mechatronics, M.E.
| - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
電機工程系碩士班 Master Program in Electrical Engineering
| - | 
|  |  |
重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
電機工程系國際學生碩士班 International Master's Program,E.E.
| - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
電子工程系碩士班 Master Program in Electronic Engineering
| - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
電子工程系國際學生碩士班 International Master's Program, E.E | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
電子工程系AloT智慧製造產碩專班班 AIoT Intelligent Manufacturing Master Program | - | -
| -
| -
|  |
化學工程與材料工程系碩士班 Master Program in Chemical and Materials Engineering
| - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
資訊工程系碩士班 Master Program in Computer Science and Information Engineering
| - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文) (Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
資訊工程系國際學生碩士班 International Master's Program,C.S.I.E | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
半導體與光電工程系碩士班 Master Program in Semiconductor and Electro-Optical Engineering
| - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
生物與食品科技系碩士班 Master Program in Biotechnology and Food Technology
| - | 
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重點產業 Focused Industry | - | - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
企業管理系碩士班 Master Program in Biotechnology and Food Technology
| - | 
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資訊管理系碩士班 Master Program in Information Management
| - | 
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休閒事業管理系碩士班 Master Program in Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management | - | 
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餐旅管理系碩士班 Master Program in Hospitality Management
| - | 
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全球經營管理系碩士班 Global Master of Business Administration(GMBA)
| 英文授課 English-taught Class | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文) (Eng) | (中文) (Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) |
中文授課 Chinese-taught Class | 
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財經法律研究所碩士班 Master Program in Institute of Financial & Economic Law
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應用英語系碩士班 Master Program in Applied English
| - | 
| - | - | -
應用日語系碩士班 Master Program in Applied Japanese
| - | 
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教育經營碩士班 Master Program in Educational Administration
| - | 
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資訊傳播系碩士班 Master Program in Information Communication
| - | 
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多媒體與電腦娛樂科學系碩士班 Master Program in Multimedia and Entertainment Science
| - | 
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視覺傳達設計系碩士班 Master Program in Visual Communication Design | - | 
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視覺傳達設計系碩士英語專班 English Master Program in Visual Communication Design
| - | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | (中文)
(Eng) | - |
創新產品設計系碩士班 Master Program in Creative Product Design | - | 
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