機械工程系 Dept.of Mechanical Engineering
自動化控制組 Automation Control
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先進車輛組 Advanced Vehicle
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電機工程系 Dept.of Electrical Engineering
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半導體與光電工程系 Dept.of Semiconductor and Electro-Optical Engineering | – |
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資訊工程系 Dept.of Computer Science and Information Engineering
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工業管理與資訊系 Dept.of Industrial Management and Information
工業管理組 Industrial Management
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國際企業系 Dept.of International Business
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企業管理系 Dept.of Business Administration
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財務金融系 Dept.of Finance
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資訊管理系 Dept.of Information Management
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休閒事業管理系 Dept.of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management
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行銷與流通管理系 Dept.of Marketing and Logistics Management
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餐旅管理系 Dept.of Hospitality Management
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應用英語系 Dept.of Applied English
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應用日語系 Dept.of Applied Japanese
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資訊傳播系 Dept.of Information Communication
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視覺傳達設計系 Dept.of Visual Communication Design
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多媒體與電腦娛樂科學系 Dept.of Multimedia and Entertainment Science
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創新產品設計系 Dept.of Creative Product Design
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